How to Start as a Cam Model – Tips for Newcomers
Camming is already an established line of work. Thousands of models worldwide make money by joining Streamate and interacting with people. If you take it seriously, camming is an excellent chance not only to become financially independent but even to earn significant amounts of money you could hardly make in other jobs. Yet, to be able to get there, you need to have a good start. Here are a few tips to put you on the right track for success.

Getting the necessary equipment
The first thing you need to be able to work as a cam model is a laptop or a desktop computer, and of course, a good internet connection. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on equipment. Any average device is ok to help you get started. It’s also essential to have a webcam, but again, you don’t need an expensive one. Any webcam providing at least 720p HD is ok. Alternatively, you can also stream from your mobile phone and use it to create content such as videos or photos for your model profile.
Start working
As soon you have your gear ready, you can start your registration process on Streamate in order to become one of our models. You will be able to enjoy many advantages as a new model. One of them is the 30-days traffic boost we grant to all newcomers to encourage them and help them realize the true potential of this activity. You should make the most out of these first 30 days when you get increased traffic and focus on creating your own fan base. These are the people that will become your recurrent, loyal customers. They will be able to support you and help you earn money even after the traffic boost period is over.
Claiming your space
For new models, we can never stop highlighting the importance of being active online as this is the only way you can achieve the earnings you dream of. Especially during the initial period when you’re barely starting to grow your fan base, it’s essential to have an active presence so that you can draw users’ attention. Since users can always be watching you while you’re online, you should pay attention to what you’re doing and remember that every watcher is a potential payer.
Moreover, there are different strategies you can apply to make your profile more engaging. For example, you can use a nice biopic and an outstanding snapshot that will certainly get you the attention you want!
Being receptive
As a new model, it’s normal not to know what to do. For this reason, we will offer you numerous tips & tricks that will help you become a great model. However, to truly benefit from our advice, you’ve got to be willing to learn, be flexible, and keep an open mind.
For starters, make sure you follow the tips we provided in this post during your first days online. Remember to remain engaged with what’s going on in your room, at any time, and give a warm welcome to all the users who come to your room, this will only make them come in bigger numbers! Also, try to have a well-organized and inviting camming space, since this will also contribute to turning visitors into payers.
This is all for now, fingers crossed for your first camming month, and stay tuned for other similar articles.